SCHWIEZER SYSTEM GMBH (SSG) was founded in the early 90s by Martin Schwiezer and turned into a GmbH (LLC) in 1999.
Originally, the company’s focus was in the digital entertainment industry (internationally published PC and video games, mostly developed by their flaghsip studio REAKKTOR). But since the early 2Ks, SSG is also engaged in other sectors like their Hamburg based brand development agency BRANDKONTOR. The latest additions to the deck are Virtual Reality developer NORD XR (2017) and VR documentary channel TIME & HISTORY (2018). Both divisions are fully-owned subsidiaries of SSG.
Starting with video games, the first time Martin ever cared about how a game is developed, communicated and published, was in 1991 (during his late high-school years): The game was called CYBERZERK (Link to Moby Games) for the Commodore AMIGA, developed by Felix Unger’s and Martin’s freshly founded company CENTURY (see LEGACY PROJECTS for more info on our early projects). This game also gave birth to SSG, a company originally intended to simply keep track and organize Martin’s investments in development companies.
Martin studied law after high-school, but couldn’t let go of game development. From 1991 to 1998, his company DEVELOPED MULTIPLE GAMES for various platforms, while SSG built partnerships with Boeder AG, Pixelpark (Berlin) and Bertelsmann AG. In 1998, CENTURY was renamed REAKKTOR.
It was that same year, Martin had the idea of creating a project that reached beyond the barriers of traditional gaming. NEOCRON was born: A cyberpunk MMOG, meant to merge the genres of online RPGs and FPS.
Neocron was released in 2002 and became a huge success for the studio. The IP is the one and only MMORPG ever developed in Germany and the second oldest German online game that is still running today.
In other news of the early 21st century: NEOCRON 2 was released, SSG was assigned to do the executive producing for GTR, GTR 2 and to create the initial concept and story for a space-sim named BLACK PROPHECY.
BLACK PROPHECY was released in 2011. In 2013, REAKKTOR started the development of TOXIKK, a back-to-the-roots Arena FPS which was RELEASED ON STEAM IN LATE 2016. TOXIKK was GREATLY ACCLAIMED, both by the press and gamers worldwide.
In 2018, SSG’s focus shifted towards VIRTUAL REALITY development, handled through NORD XR for B2B applications and TIME & HISTORY for VR documentaries.